Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Samson and Jillian

I feel like I've been up all night...

Both the babies were alive this morning YAY
Samson was nursing and Jillian was taking a snooze.

Here's Samson, all dried off and about 18 hours old.

And Jillian, about 18 hours old as well. She's got floppy ears.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Babies are here

Got home from school around 3:30 and I bet Wendy had her lambs around 5:00 or so.
A girl and then a boy.

I named them Samson and Jillian.
Samson is bigger and lighter in color, while Jillian is darker and smaller.

I only took a million, mostly when stuff was happening, so they are kind of nasty birth photos.
I'm just gonna show the ones where they are clean-ish haha.

I'll have more pictures later, but right now I'm tired and hungry and thirsty and it's almost 9:00pm and I have homework stuff to do.

Samson is on the right, Jillian is on the left.

Here is Jillian right after she was plopped on the ground

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Update on Wendy

Saw the baby moving around today.
Must have been kicking or something, because it looked like a golf ball was rolling around under her skin.
But awesome to know that baby is kickin' around in there.

Maybe baby wants to come out and see the world???? :)

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Any day now!

I bet she's waiting until 4:00am like... Wednesday night or something.
Like the most inconvenient time and the most inconvenient day.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Diana is incredibly photogenic

There is just something with Diana and her dainty lovely face that makes for some great photos.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Get ready for pictures...

First off, I want to say that Diana has recovered from her ordeal.
She seems back to normal now, which is AMAZING, I'm so happy.

Wendy has gotten sooooo much wider.
A few days ago she was trying to scratch her face with on of her back hooves and could not reach her face because her belly was so wide.
So her leg just kind of stuck out to the side and flailed in the air for a bit.

Her belly has also gotten lower to the ground since Christmas!

Plus take a looksie at her new collar she got for Christmas yup yup.

Didn't I tell you? WIDE LOAD. Kind of... getting there.
She hobbles and waddles, BUT when grain is involved boy can she run