Saturday, March 22, 2014

New Ewe Lamb

It's been a while since I've last posted.
School is finally over for the term though, so Spring Break is here.

I've decided to make the decision to sell Diana for a more durable ewe.
Diana is really flighty, and consistently wormy.... both traits I don't really like haha
I do like her though, I think she's wonderful... just a little below the others.
I'm going to sell her with the chance she may has been bred, seeing as how she's been with Buttercup for almost two weeks now.
There's a chance, but then, there's also a chance she's still open for business.

Anyway, I've been looking for a replacement for her, and I came across this very VERY kind young couple who is raising a small flock of Katahdin/Dorper sheep. I've visited their place twice and got to take a peek at the ewe lambs for sale.
I'm going to contact the lady about a month from now and tell her which ewe I want.

I've narrowed my search down to these two lambs!
The black/white ewe lamb was born the second week of Feb.
She has long legs and has very flashy markings. She's also a twin.

The white ewe lamb is HUGE.
She was a big single I guess, born around the same time Marty and Irene were born.
This ewe has a nice big frame, but shorter legs.
Her ear tips are also kind of tan/brown-ish, which is fun.
Her dam is a tri-colored brown/cream/and white ewe. So she should throw color, I suppose.

The Sire of both of the ewe lambs is a HUGE Dorper ram. He's black with white speckles.
Not the traditional Dorper coloring, but he's a handsome boy.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Buttercup is HERE

Well, he's home.
It was such a mess getting him in the trailer and taking him back home.
I had to trim his hooves and he was incredibly muddy and just awful and messy oh my goodness.

Here's a picture from this morning

I think if I can keep him separated, I'll do that and then put him with Pax and Diana next Saturday on the 15th. That'll give me late August babies, BUT he's a handful and slightly dangerous.
He's going to do his thing and then he'll be OUTTA HERE.
Buttercup is small, but built like a tank. He also has this awful old man voice and it's incredibly hilarious.
Poor guy.