Tuesday, July 22, 2014


It's that time of year again ;)

Got a new ram lamb and an older ram for breeding this year.
Y'all remember Duke, right?
He's Irene's sire and a big chunky guy.

I bought one of his grandlambs to keep for a while.

Duke will go with Wendy, Pax and Diana(unless Diana's already pregnant)
Then in late August, Duke will go back to his home while I keep the ram lamb.

NOW this ram lamb is huge, and out of the other ram, Red, whom I had last year along with Duke.
This ram lamb is named Optimus and he's HUGE such a big boy for 3 months old!

He'll go with Jillian, MaryEllen, Irene and Raindrop sometime around September/October.
A lucky guy.