Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Halloween is one of my least favorite holidays.
But, oh well.

I decided to give my sheep a treat, so I cut up a small pumpkin and gave half of it to them.

Wendy just licked it.
Pax sniffed at it, then sneezed.
Diana tried to chew on it.
And then trusty #46 ate a whole chunk by himself.
It shouldn't surprise me, seeing as he will eat ANYTHING.

So much for the holiday treat.
How about some pictures instead?

Whenever I look at pictures of Wendy, she always looks chunky...

This is what the sunrise looked like a few days ago. VERY LOVELY.

Diana actually let me get close to her today.
Close enough to take a decent picture.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Ewe update

The two new ladies are fitting in just fine.
They get along with the alpacas, and MaryEllen, and the butcher wether that we have.

The only problem is Wendy.
She is definitely at the tip top of the totem pole.
I feel sorry for Diana and Pax... especially Pax.
Wendy is constantly shoving Pax out of the way, even when Pax is not doing anything.


The weather has been absolutely lovely lately.
It's cold, and the leaves are falling, and the sun is out.
This probably won't last for long, but I'm enjoying it while it lasts.

The alpacas like it too.
They jump around like deer??? I suppose that means they're happy.

Hoping that there is a bun in the oven.

Wendy has developed quite a fluffy coat!

He is quite handsome with his mustache!

Victors usual expression.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Roman Goddesses

Got some new ladies today!

Named them both after Roman Goddesses.
It sort of fits them... ???
Pax is the black and white Katahdin, while Diana is the smaller white St. Croix.

Anyways, they are fitting in just fine at the moment.
They are in a smaller separate pasture at the moment.

Diana on the left, and Pax on the right

Diana and Pax again



Saturday, October 5, 2013

New addition

It's been a while since I've posted on here (not that anyone follows me yet...)
But I've started my first term, and I'm taking Spanish, and Interpersonal Communications.
My schedule allows me to take care of my animals in the morning though!

We gave the two rams back yesterday and bought a small wether in return.
He was the offspring of one of the rams we had borrowed and he's SO CUTE.

I'm calling him #46 right now, because he is strictly for butchering in the Spring.
I'm so attached to him already and he is such a wonderful little lamb!
Shouldn't be attached to him though.... :(

Wendy and MaryEllen are not sure what to think of him yet.
He follows Wendy around like a little duckling though.
The alpaca boys chased him around a good lot when #46 arrived.
Which is good, because I guess the alpacas were just doing their jobs, chasing a foreign creature and separating it from the rest of the herd.

Poor #46