Saturday, October 5, 2013

New addition

It's been a while since I've posted on here (not that anyone follows me yet...)
But I've started my first term, and I'm taking Spanish, and Interpersonal Communications.
My schedule allows me to take care of my animals in the morning though!

We gave the two rams back yesterday and bought a small wether in return.
He was the offspring of one of the rams we had borrowed and he's SO CUTE.

I'm calling him #46 right now, because he is strictly for butchering in the Spring.
I'm so attached to him already and he is such a wonderful little lamb!
Shouldn't be attached to him though.... :(

Wendy and MaryEllen are not sure what to think of him yet.
He follows Wendy around like a little duckling though.
The alpaca boys chased him around a good lot when #46 arrived.
Which is good, because I guess the alpacas were just doing their jobs, chasing a foreign creature and separating it from the rest of the herd.

Poor #46


  1. Love this blog, and the pix too. You are having a great time with your flock, and Alpaca's, and I like reading about them too. Love, Gramma

    1. :) Thanks Gramma! I'm glad someone reads this!!!

  2. Part of my morning routine includes reading your blog, every day! So, keep it up! Good to see you today. Love, Gramma
