Saturday, October 12, 2013

Roman Goddesses

Got some new ladies today!

Named them both after Roman Goddesses.
It sort of fits them... ???
Pax is the black and white Katahdin, while Diana is the smaller white St. Croix.

Anyways, they are fitting in just fine at the moment.
They are in a smaller separate pasture at the moment.

Diana on the left, and Pax on the right

Diana and Pax again




  1. Pax and Diana are so cute, they look pretty dainty too. Thanks for posting the pix, I will save them to your folder. They will love living at your place, with you as their care giver. Love, Gramma

    1. Awww thanks! YES they are both small compared to Wendy and MaryEllen! I will do my best to take care of them! Thanks for commenting Gramma! :-)
